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A short stop over

November 26, 2010

Things are always changing, and this time the change is simultaneously great and daunting.

I will leave the home a little early, and fly to India for two months.  A few things going on here triggered this decision, but in the end I realized it is something I need to do.  Not because of something, but for something.

So, after one sleepless night I booked my ticket, and I will be flying out of Bangkok to Calcutta on January 16th.  From there I am not entirely sure what I will do, but volunteering at an organic farm seems to me the best place.  I need to spend some time with plants, as I have spent the last 3 years dealing with humans and my patience is getting thin.

So there it is. After so long I am suddenly going in two months.  Less then two months.  When I think about it I want to cry, but I also feel relieved.  I have devoted my life for a long time now, and lately I could feel it weighing me down in a way I cant really explain.  Maybe it is because I am on my way to Canada, where I may be spending 2 or more years, so I feel like I need to see a little bit more of the world before settling down for so long.

What ever it is, the feeling got the best of me, and soon I will be exploring a new country!


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  1. November 26, 2010 12:37 am

    hey bronnie- good for you, for both devoting so much time but also for knowing when to move on. when we give up our time and energy, we are only purposeful if we are feeling positively charged about what we are doing…sometimes the only way to recharge is to move away from it and nurture ourselves.

    i am proud of you! india….one of the places that draws me in. the food, the people, the culture, so beautiful! enjoy and indulge in it all!

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